Historical and cultural communication group

- Name 太順 趙
- Office Tel No. 21700,21620

- Name 朱浩毅 CHU, HAO-I
- Office Tel No. 21600,21615
- Job Title Associate Professor
- Research Expertise 中國史學史、漢代學術史、春秋經學史 (history of chinese historiography, Academic Studies of Han Dynasty, Spring and Autumn of confucian classics)
Current Course
HI43600 三國志及其文化再現(The Records of the Three Kingdoms and Its Culture Representation)
HI27700 隋唐史(History of Sui and Tang Dynasties)
GE51001 大航海時代與近代世界的形成(The Age of Exploration and the Formation of Modern World)

- Name 溫楨文 WEN, ZHEN-WEN
- Office Tel No. 21617
- Job Title Associate Professor
- Research Expertise 出版史、中國近現代史、清末到民初報刊輿論史、口述歷史 (publishing History, Modern Chinese History, The history of public opinion in the newspapers from the late Qin to early Republic, Oral History)
Current Course
HCH2000 二十世紀中國政治與文化(Chinese Politics and Culture in the 20th Century)
HI11200 史學方法(Methodology of Historiography)
HI23100 口述歷史的理論與實踐(Theory and Practice of Oral History)

- Name 王舒津 WANG,SHU-JIN
- Office Tel No. 21613
- Job Title Associate Professor
- Research Expertise 中國藝術史、物質與視覺文化、現代中西美術交流、近代東亞藝術 (chinese art history, Visual and Material Cultures, Communicate with Modern Chinese and Western Art, Modern East Asian art)
Current Course
HC12900 文物典藏與歷史展演(Artifact Collecting and History Displaying)
HCH1700 物質文化專題研究(Research Topics on Material Culture)
HI43000 文物史與博物館概論(Artifact History and Museology)
GE57500 西洋藝術史(Western Art History)

- Name 莊濠賓 Jhuang,Hao-Bin
- Office Tel No. 21612
- Job Title Assistant Professor
- Research Expertise 台灣史、經濟史、產業史、田野調查、口述歷史 (Oral History)
Current Course
HI43500 數位時代的媒體變遷與公眾史學(Media Change and Public History in the digital age)
HI42000 東亞近代史(History of Modern East Asia)
GE58301 台灣民俗與飲食(Taiwanese Folk Custom and Cuisine)

- Name 葉毅均
- Office Tel No. 12510,21622
- Job Title Assistant Professor
- Research Expertise 近代中國思想文化史、全球史學史、歐美漢學史、史學理論、越南漢喃文獻 (Intellectual and Cultural History of Modern China, Global History of Historiography, History of Anglo-American Sinology, Historical Theory, Vietnamese Hàn-Nán literature)
Current Course
HCH0200 歷史研究法專題(二)(Approaches in hist orical study II)
HI10700 世界通史(World History)
GE51001 大航海時代與近代世界的形成(The Age of Exploration and the Formation of Modern World)

- Name 鍾佳伶 Chung, Chia-Ling
- Office Tel No. 12320,21621
- Job Title Associate Professor
- Research Expertise 歷史學、台灣史、中國史、社會史、隋唐五代史、宋史
Current Course
HC12500 地方文史導覽(The Guide of Local Culture and History)
HI44000 台灣顯影:圖像、歷史與紀錄(Images of Taiwan:Pictures, History, and Records)
HI43400 中國性別史(History of Chinese Gender)